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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How important is an internship?

Hi there, I'm in my junior year and I'm wondering how important it is to get an internship before applying to college. I'm looking to major in computer science, and if an internship can significantly improve my college application, how should I go about finding one related to my field of interest?

a year ago

Hey! Having an internship can definitely be beneficial for your college application, especially if it's related to your intended major. Internships not only provide practical experience in your field but also demonstrate your commitment and passion for computer science.

To look for an internship, start by reaching out to local companies and organizations in the tech industry. You could email or call them, expressing your interest in an internship and asking if they have any available opportunities. Don't forget to attach your resume and mention any relevant skills or experience you have.

Another option is to ask your teachers, counselors, or family members if they have any connections in the computer science field that could help you find an internship. Networking can often lead to some great opportunities. Finally, you can browse online job boards such as LinkedIn, Indeed, or even CollegeVine resources for internships tailored to high school students.

Remember, persistence pays off. It might take time and a handful of applications, but internships in your field of interest are definitely worth the effort. Good luck in your search!

a year ago

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