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Marquette Engineering Acceptance Rate

Hey there! I've been looking into applying for Marquette's engineering program, but I'm a little nervous about my chances of getting in. Does anybody know the acceptance rate for their engineering program? Any insight would be really helpful!

5 months ago

Hey! While I couldn't find the exact acceptance rate for Marquette University's College of Engineering specifically, I can give you some information about the University's overall acceptance rate, which will help provide some context. Marquette University has an overall acceptance rate of around 87%. Keep in mind that acceptance rates for specific programs, like engineering, may differ somewhat from the overall acceptance rate.

To improve your odds of being admitted into Marquette's engineering program, it's important to have a strong application, including a solid GPA and SAT/ACT scores that fall within or above the middle 50% for the university. Additionally, showcasing a genuine interest in engineering and any extracurricular experiences or involvement in STEM-related activities can help make your application stand out.

Remember, too, that showcasing your fit for the university through well-crafted essays and strong letters of recommendation can make a difference in the admissions process. Good luck with your application, and I hope this information is helpful!

5 months ago

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