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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Small private colleges in Pennsylvania worth checking out?

I'm searching for small private colleges in Pennsylvania that have a good reputation, engaging curriculum, and offer plenty of opportunities for student involvement. Any suggestions?

13 days ago

There are several small private colleges in Pennsylvania that meet your criteria. Here are a few worth checking out:

1. Swarthmore College: With an emphasis on small class sizes and faculty interaction, Swarthmore is a top-ranked institution known for its rigorous liberal arts curriculum. A member of the Tri-College Consortium, it allows students to take courses at nearby Haverford and Bryn Mawr Colleges.

2. Haverford College: Another member of the Tri-College Consortium, Haverford has a strong sense of community and close faculty-student relationships. The college offers a liberal arts and sciences curriculum, with an emphasis on undergraduate research.

3. Bryn Mawr College: This women's college is the third member of the Tri-College Consortium. Renowned for its liberal arts curriculum and focus on women's leadership, Bryn Mawr offers numerous resources and opportunities for student involvement.

4. Lafayette College: This college, located in Easton, emphasizes interdisciplinary learning, offering more than 50 majors across liberal arts and engineering fields. Lafayette is known for its strong campus community, study abroad programs, and undergraduate research opportunities.

5. Franklin and Marshall College: Situated in Lancaster, this liberal arts college is known for its academics, faculty-student collaboration, and hands-on research experiences. With over 100 clubs and organizations, there are numerous opportunities for student involvement.

6. Bucknell University: Although slightly larger than the other colleges mentioned, Bucknell still maintains small class sizes and a focus on undergraduate learning. With engineering, management, and liberal arts programs, this university offers a wide range of academic opportunities.

7. Dickinson College: Located in Carlisle, Dickinson places a strong emphasis on sustainable practices and global engagement in its liberal arts curriculum. Students can take advantage of the numerous research, internship, and community service opportunities available.

Each of these colleges has a strong reputation, engaging curriculum, and opportunities for student involvement. Visiting their websites and attending virtual information sessions or campus tours can help you learn more about their unique offerings and determine which might be the best fit for you.

13 days ago

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