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Small schools on the East Coast

Hey, I'm a junior interested in smaller colleges, particularly on the East Coast. Can anyone suggest some schools that have a nice campus, strong academics, and a tight-knit community?

6 days ago

Sure, there are quite a few small colleges on the East Coast that offer strong academics and a close-knit community. Here's a list of some schools that might interest you:

1. Amherst College (Amherst, MA): A highly regarded liberal arts college known for its open curriculum and strong commitment to undergraduate education.

2. Swarthmore College (Swarthmore, PA): Another top liberal arts college offering a rigorous academic experience and a beautiful campus, just outside of Philadelphia.

3. Bowdoin College (Brunswick, ME): Boasting a picturesque New England campus, Bowdoin emphasizes a well-rounded liberal arts education and has a strong sense of community.

4. Williams College (Williamstown, MA): A prestigious liberal arts college set in the Berkshires, offering small class sizes and a focus on undergraduate research.

5. Middlebury College (Middlebury, VT): Known for its strong language programs, beautiful campus, and a close-knit community, Middlebury offers a wide variety of academic options.

6. Colgate University (Hamilton, NY): A small, selective liberal arts college that offers a good balance of academics, athletics, and campus life, with an emphasis on research opportunities for undergraduates.

7. Haverford College (Haverford, PA): A small liberal arts college focused on academic rigor, close faculty-student interaction, and an honor code that fosters a strong sense of community.

8. Vassar College (Poughkeepsie, NY): A highly-rated liberal arts college with a beautiful campus, offering interdisciplinary programs, research opportunities, and a focus on experiential learning.

9. Bates College (Lewiston, ME): Known for its engaging academics, supportive faculty, and strong community engagement, Bates emphasizes personal growth and leadership development.

10. Colby College (Waterville, ME): With outstanding academics, research opportunities, and a commitment to local and global community engagement, Colby fields a close-knit campus environment.

These are just a few examples, but there are many more fantastic small colleges along the East Coast. Be sure to research each school's specific offerings and distinctive qualities to find the best fit for your interests and goals. Good luck!

6 days ago

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