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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Ithaca Colleges and Universities: Recommendations?

Hi there! I'm looking into colleges and universities in the Ithaca, NY area, and I need some recommendations for schools there with strong academic programs. I'm open to different fields of study and campus sizes, just trying to find some good options. Please share any experiences or suggestions! Thanks!

9 days ago

Hi! Ithaca is a wonderful college town with some reputable institutions, offering various academic programs and campus experiences. Here are two notable schools in the Ithaca area:

1. Cornell University: As an Ivy League institution, Cornell is known for its top-notch programs in various fields, such as engineering, business, agriculture, and life sciences, among others. It has a beautiful campus spanning over 2,300 acres and offers students access to cutting-edge research and facilities. Campus life at Cornell is lively, with numerous clubs and extracurriculars that cater to a diverse range of interests.

2. Ithaca College: A smaller private liberal arts college, Ithaca College has a beautiful campus and is known for its strong programs in communications, music, and the health sciences. Additionally, the school offers a wide range of majors across the liberal arts and sciences. Its smaller size allows for a close-knit community and more personalized interactions with professors.

Both of these schools cater to varying campus sizes and academic interests. It's essential to consider factors such as location, size, academic offerings, and campus culture when finding the best fit for you. I recommend exploring their websites to get a better sense of each institution and visiting the campuses to get a feel for the environments, if possible. Good luck in your college search!

9 days ago

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