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IU vs UIUC: Pros and Cons?

Hey everyone! I'm currently deciding between Indiana University (IU) and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) for college. Can anyone give me some insight on the pros and cons of each school? I'm planning to major in computer science, if that helps!

16 days ago

Hello! Congrats on your acceptances! Both IU and UIUC are great schools, but they offer different experiences. I'll break down the pros and cons of each, especially with regards to computer science.

Indiana University (IU)


1. Beautiful Campus: IU is known for its picturesque campus with limestone buildings and natural landscape.

2. Well-rounded Education: As a large university, IU offers various academic opportunities and programs for students to explore interests outside of their major.

3. School Spirit: Indiana University has a strong sense of school pride, and the athletics are a major part of campus life.


1. Size: IU is a large university, which means it can sometimes be challenging to get smaller class sizes or form personal relationships with professors in popular departments.

2. Computer Science department: While IU's CS department is solid, it's not as highly ranked as UIUC's.

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)


1. Top-ranked Computer Science Program: UIUC is one of the best schools for computer science in the US, offering the resources and opportunities you'd want from a top-tier program.

2. Research Opportunities: UIUC is a research powerhouse, providing many chances for undergraduate students to engage in impactful research, particularly in computer science.

3. Strong Job Prospects: UIUC has a robust network with major tech companies, leading to excellent job and internship opportunities for students.


1. Location: The campus is located in a smaller college town, which may not offer the same opportunities and resources as a larger city or make students feel more isolated.

2. Social Scene: While there's still a good range of activities, many students say the social scene at UIUC can be a bit lacking compared to other larger universities.

In summary, if you're primarily focused on advancing your computer science career, UIUC might be the better choice because of its esteemed CS program, research opportunities, and strong job prospects. However, if you're looking for a more traditional college experience with school spirit and a beautiful campus setting, IU could be an excellent fit. Ultimately, it's important to consider your personal preferences and the factors most important to you when making your decision. Good luck!

16 days ago

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