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IU vs UIUC for computer science

Hey everyone, I got accepted into both Indiana University (IU) and University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) for computer science. I'm having a hard time deciding which one would be a better option. Can anyone give me some pros and cons of each school, specifically when it comes to their CS programs? Thanks in advance!

16 days ago

First of all, congratulations on your acceptances! Both Indiana University (IU) and University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) have good computer science programs. Here are some pros and cons for each school that may help you make a decision:

Indiana University (IU):


1. IU offers a well-rounded computer science program with opportunities for research and internships.

2. You might find the overall cost of attendance lower than UIUC, depending on your financial aid package and state residency.

3. Bloomington is a beautiful college town with a robust cultural scene and plenty to do in your downtime.


1. IU's computer science program may not be as nationally recognized or ranked as highly as UIUC's, which can impact recruiting and job opportunities.

2. The availability of specialized courses and cutting-edge research in computer science may be more limited compared to UIUC.

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC):


1. UIUC's computer science program is consistently ranked among the top in the nation, which gives the school a stronger reputation in the field.

2. The program at UIUC offers a wide array of specialized courses and a strong research focus, which can provide more in-depth knowledge in specific areas of computer science.

3. Due to its reputation, UIUC might provide better networking opportunities and stronger ties with major tech companies, which can lead to more job and internship possibilities.


1. The cost of attendance at UIUC might be higher than at IU, depending on your state residency and financial aid package.

2. Champaign-Urbana is a smaller college town compared to Bloomington, which means there may be fewer extracurricular and cultural opportunities outside of academics.

Ultimately, your choice should depend on your personal preferences, financial situation, and long-term career goals. If you are more focused on the reputation of the computer science program and its potential for future opportunities, UIUC may be the better option. However, if you prioritize factors like overall cost, campus life, and a well-rounded educational experience, IU might be a better fit. Good luck with your decision!

16 days ago

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