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Creighton University Admission Requirements?

Hey, folks! I'm starting to look into colleges and Creighton University caught my eye. Can someone tell me what their admission requirements are? Like GPA, test scores, and any other important factors I should be aware of? Thanks!

13 days ago

Creighton University is a moderately selective school, and while the admissions process involves a holistic review, there are certain basic requirements you should be aware of to ensure a strong application. Here's an overview of Creighton's admission requirements:

1. GPA: Creighton doesn't explicitly publish a required minimum GPA, but the middle 50% of admitted students generally have a GPA ranging from 3.58-4.0 on a weighted 4.0 scale. Aim for a competitive GPA to increase your chances of acceptance.

2. Test Scores: Creighton University has adopted a test-optional policy for the 2024-2025 application cycle. You have the choice to submit SAT or ACT scores if you feel they will strengthen your application. If you do submit test scores, the middle 50% range for the SAT is 1220-1400 and for the ACT is 24-31.

3. High School Coursework: Creighton recommends completing a strong college prep curriculum, including 4 years of English, 3-4 years of math, 3 years of natural science, 3 years of social science, and 2 years of foreign language. Taking advanced courses such as AP, IB, or dual enrollment can showcase your academic rigor.

4. Extracurricular Activities: While Creighton doesn't have a set requirement for extracurriculars, having a diverse and meaningful involvement in activities will strengthen your application. Aim to demonstrate depth and leadership in your areas of interest.

5. Application Requirements: Along with your high school transcripts, extracurricular resume, and test scores (if applicable), you will need to submit the following:

- Common Application or Creighton Application

- Personal essay

- Optional letter of recommendation (Creighton states that recommendations are not generally considered in the application process. However, you may choose to submit one if you feel it would provide additional context or highlight a particular aspect of your candidacy).

6. Deadlines: Creighton offers two deadlines for admission: Early Action (November 1) and Regular Decision (January 5). If you apply Early Action, you will receive your decision by December 15. Regular Decision applicants will receive their decisions by March 1.

Remember that Creighton conducts a holistic review of each application, so presenting a strong personal essay and demonstrating a well-rounded extracurricular involvement will help you stand out among other applicants. Best of luck with your application!

13 days ago

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