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Loyola Chicago or Fordham – which one should I choose?

I'm having a tough time deciding between Loyola University Chicago and Fordham University. Can anyone give me some insight into the pros and cons of each institution, like campus life, academics, internship opportunities, and post-graduation outcomes? Thanks a bunch!

6 days ago

It's great that you're considering both Loyola University Chicago and Fordham University! Each school has its own unique offerings and differences in terms of campus life, academics, internship opportunities, and post-graduation outcomes. Here's a comparison to help you make a well-informed decision:

1. Location:

Loyola University Chicago is located in Chicago, Illinois, a major urban center with countless internship and job opportunities. The Lake Shore campus provides easy access to Lake Michigan and beautiful surroundings, while still being integrated with the city environment.

Fordham University, on the other hand, is based in New York City, with its main campus in the Bronx and the Lincoln Center campus in the heart of Manhattan. This allows students access to a wide array of internships, networking, and cultural events in arguably the most bustling city in the U.S.

2. Campus Life:

Loyola Chicago has a friendly community, with a strong focus on service and social justice. It offers a healthy balance between city life and a sense of campus community.

Fordham has a more traditional campus feel at its Rose Hill campus in the Bronx, while the Lincoln Center campus is more urban and more aligned with an NYU-style vibe. Fordham’s location in the city allows students to take advantage of the NYC lifestyle along with its rich cultural experiences.

3. Academics:

Loyola Chicago is known for its strong majors within the schools of Communication, Education, Social Work, and Business Administration. Additionally, it offers programs in sciences and humanities. It has a Jesuit education focus which emphasizes the development of the whole person.

Fordham is notable for its strong programs in liberal arts, business, and social sciences. It also offers a core curriculum that exposes students to a variety of disciplines and is integrated with its Catholic Jesuit values.

4. Internship Opportunities:

Given their major city locations, both universities have ample internship opportunities for students. Loyola Chicago students can access various internship options within the city of Chicago across industries like finance, the arts, and social services.

Fordham's access to NYC provides students with networking opportunities and internships in diverse fields like media, finance, fashion, and technology.

5. Post-graduation Outcomes:

Both universities have active alumni networks and resources to assist with job placements. At Loyola Chicago, 85% of graduates find employment or enroll in graduate school within six months. Fordham boasts an 81% employment or graduate school placement rate within six months of graduation.

Ultimately, your decision should depend on which location you prefer, which academic offerings align with your interests, and the overall atmosphere you envision for your college experience. Both institutions have unique qualities and opportunities, so consider where you believe you'll thrive both personally and academically. Good luck!

6 days ago

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