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What are some popular majors at Oral Roberts University?

Hey guys, I'm exploring Oral Roberts University as a college option. I'm curious to know what majors they have available and if some stand out as particularly popular or well-regarded. Does anyone have any insight on this?

7 days ago

Oral Roberts University (ORU) offers a variety of majors across its six colleges: College of Arts and Cultural Studies, College of Business, College of Education, College of Nursing, College of Science and Engineering, and College of Theology and Ministry. Some of the popular and well-regarded programs at ORU include:

1. Theology and Ministry: As a Christian university, ORU has strong programs in theology, ministry, and related fields. You can major in Biblical and Theological Studies, Ministry and Leadership, Missions, Worship Studies, or Youth and Family Ministry.

2. Business: The College of Business offers several well-regarded majors, such as Accounting, Finance, International Business, Management, and Marketing. Graduates from the business programs at ORU have been successful in finding jobs in various industries and pursuing advanced degrees.

3. Nursing: The Anna Vaughn College of Nursing is respected for its rigorous curriculum and high NCLEX pass rates. Students can pursue a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) and gain hands-on experience in clinical settings.

4. Engineering: The Engineering program at ORU offers degrees in Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering. Students will have access to state-of-the-art technology and lab facilities for experiential learning.

5. Education: ORU has a reputable College of Education that offers various degrees in Elementary and Secondary Education. Students have nearly a 100% job placement rate after graduation, and many students pass the certification exam on their first attempt.

Of course, these are only a few of the majors available at Oral Roberts University. You should explore their website and program offerings to find a major that aligns with your interests and career goals. It's also a good idea to speak with current students or reach out to admissions representatives for more information about specific programs.

7 days ago

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