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Manhattan College job outcomes

I've been looking into Manhattan College, but I'm wondering what the job outcomes are like for their graduates. Is their career center helpful, and do their alumni generally find good jobs in their field?

7 days ago

Manhattan College has a reputation for providing its students with a solid education that paves the way for successful job outcomes upon graduation. The institution boasts a strong career center that offers various resources to help students secure good jobs in their respective fields.

The Center for Career Development at Manhattan College plays an active role in assisting students with finding internships, part-time jobs, and full-time employment after graduation. They offer services such as resume and cover letter reviews, interview preparation, job search strategies, and networking events, which can help students gain the skills and contacts necessary to land positions in their desired industries.

In terms of alumni success, Manhattan College has a high post-graduation employment rate. According to data from their website, 84% of their graduates are employed or in graduate school within six months of graduation. This is an impressive statistic, as it indicates that the college equips its students with the necessary knowledge and support to make a smooth transition into the professional world.

Alumni success is also evident in the notable companies that hire Manhattan College graduates, including top firms such as Goldman Sachs, Deloitte, PwC, KPMG, and EY, among others. The college's location in New York City provides opportunities for networking and connecting with potential employers in various industries, which can definitely work to a student's advantage.

Overall, Manhattan College seems to offer a strong support system through its career center and a range of resources to help students secure good jobs in their field. While individual outcomes will always depend on your efforts and circumstances, the college appears to have a history of successful job outcomes for its graduates.

7 days ago

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