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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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UConn College location and details?

Hey everyone! I'm interested in UConn College but I'm not really sure about its location and other details. Can someone tell me where it is and what kind of campus life or programs I can expect? Thanks!

7 days ago

UConn, short for the University of Connecticut, is a public research university located in Storrs, Connecticut. Storrs is in northeastern Connecticut, around 28 miles east of the capital city of Hartford, and it offers a suburban college-town atmosphere.

UConn is known for its strong academic programs across various fields, including business, engineering, allied health sciences, psychology, and education. The university offers more than 115 undergraduate majors and has a competitive honors program for high-achieving students. With its commitment to research, there are numerous opportunities for students to get involved in areas like engineering, biomedical research, and environmental science.

Campus life at UConn is vibrant, with more than 700 student clubs and organizations catering to diverse interests. Some popular options include cultural clubs, academic societies, sports clubs, and community service organizations. There are plenty of recreational facilities available on and around campus, such as the Student Recreation Center and the Adventure Center, which organizes outdoor activities like hiking, kayaking, and climbing to help students stay active and engaged.

UConn is a member of NCAA Division I Athletics and has a competitive sports culture, especially in basketball, with both the men's and women's teams having a history of success. Attending games is a great way to show school spirit and enjoy a fun pastime with fellow students.

Housing options at UConn include traditional residence halls, suites, and apartment-style living. Many students opt to live on campus during their early years for the full college experience and to build connections with their peers. Storrs also offers off-campus housing options for students who prefer to live independently or with roommates.

In summary, UConn is located in a suburban college-town setting in Storrs, Connecticut, and has strong academic programs in a variety of fields, a vibrant campus life, and various extracurricular opportunities.

7 days ago

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