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Queens College admission requirements

Does anyone have information on the admission requirements for Queens College? I'm interested in applying but I'm unsure about their GPA, test score, and other requirements. Also, do they look for anything unique in applicants? Appreciate any insight!

9 days ago

Queens College, part of the City University of New York (CUNY) system, is a public college with moderately selective admissions. As with most colleges, they consider a range of factors in reviewing applications, so let's break them down for you.

1. GPA: While Queens College does not publish a minimum required GPA, the average GPA for admitted students is around 3.3. Keep in mind that this is an average, so applicants with a GPA lower than 3.3 can still gain admission. Demonstrating an upward grade trend or taking rigorous courses may strengthen your application.

2. Test Scores: As of the 2024-2025 application cycle, Queens College has implemented a test-optional policy, which means submitting your SAT or ACT scores is not required. However, if you feel your test scores will make your application stronger, you can submit them. The middle 50% range of SAT scores for admitted students is typically between 1130 and 1340 and for the ACT, between 24 and 30.

3. High School Curriculum: Queens College values academic rigor, so it is essential to have a strong schedule with a mix of advanced placement (AP) or honors courses if they are available at your school. Taking challenging courses demonstrates your commitment to academic growth and preparation for college-level work.

4. Extracurricular Activities: Queens College, like most schools, appreciates well-rounded applicants who have been involved in their community or pursued their interests outside of the classroom. Including a diverse mix of extracurriculars can help you stand out, but it's also crucial to emphasize quality engagement and leadership in the activities you genuinely enjoy.

5. Personal Statement: The personal statement is an opportunity to share your experiences, values, and goals, giving the admissions committee a glimpse into who you are as a person. A strong, unique essay can compensate for a weaker component of your application.

Other requirements for applying to Queens College include submitting your high school transcripts, completing the CUNY application, and paying the application fee. Although Queens College does not require letters of recommendation or supplemental essays, some specific programs might. Therefore, it's essential to review the requirements for your intended major.

Though the college does not look for unique factors beyond your academics and extracurriculars, demonstrating your passion for a particular subject or showcasing significant accomplishments in your area of interest can be advantageous.

Make sure to research your specific program, as individual requirements may vary. Good luck with your application!

9 days ago

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