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Support for International Students at Harvard

Hey! Is there anyone here who's an international student at Harvard? I'm curious about the support and resources provided for international students there. Can you please share your experiences or resources you found helpful? Thank you!

12 days ago

Hello! While I'm not an international student at Harvard, I can share some information about the support and resources available to international students at the university. Harvard is committed to fostering an inclusive environment for its diverse student population, and there are various resources tailored specifically for international students.

1. Harvard International Office (HIO): The HIO serves as a central point of contact for international students, providing resources, advice, and guidance on a wide range of topics, including visas, work permits, travel, and cultural adjustment. They host events and workshops to facilitate interaction among international students.

2. Advising and academic support: International students have access to various pre-orientation and orientation programs that help them acclimate to life at Harvard. Furthermore, each college has a team of advisors that can support students academically and personally, addressing concerns around adjusting to the new academic system or any other matters.

3. Cultural and affinity groups: Harvard is home to numerous student-run cultural and affinity groups that cater to various national, regional, and cultural identities. These groups not only celebrate and share their cultures but also provide a supportive community for international students.

4. Financial aid: Harvard offers need-based financial aid to international students, ensuring that students can attend regardless of their financial background. The application process for international students is similar to that of domestic students.

5. Career resources: The Office of Career Services (OCS) provides personalized career advising and resources such as workshops, job listings, and networking events tailored to the unique needs of international students, including visa requirements for internships and job opportunities.

6. Language support: Harvard offers various resources for students whose first language is not English, such as the Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning, which provides language assessments, consultations, and workshops to help students improve their English skills.

These are just a few examples of the support and resources available to international students at Harvard. If you have any specific concerns or needs, I'd recommend reaching out to current international students or the Harvard International Office for more information tailored to your situation. Good luck!

12 days ago

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