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Parsons School of Design - Housing Costs?

I've been thinking about applying to Parsons School of Design in NYC, but I'm a little bit stressed about the housing situation. How much does on-campus housing cost at Parsons? Are there cheaper off-campus housing alternatives? Any tips on saving money while attending would be greatly helpful!

7 days ago

On-campus housing costs at Parsons School of Design can be quite expensive because the school is located in New York City, which has one of the highest costs of living in the world. For the 2024-2025 academic year, the cost of on-campus housing is around $20,000 per year, depending on the type of room and residence hall you choose. Meal plans also add to the cost—you can expect to pay around $4,000 to $6,000 per year for meal plans.

Off-campus housing can be more affordable, but the price will vary depending on the location and type of accommodation you choose. Some students find it more cost-effective to share apartments or rent rooms in neighborhoods like Brooklyn, Queens, or Jersey City. However, convenience of transportation to and from campus, as well as any associated costs, should be considered when choosing off-campus accommodations.

Here are some tips to save money while attending Parsons:

1. Research your housing options thoroughly before making a decision. Look for cheaper neighborhoods near public transportation that can take you to campus quickly.

2. Consider getting a roommate to share the cost of rent and utilities.

3. Opt for a more affordable meal plan or cook at home to save on food costs.

4. Keep an eye out for student discounts at local businesses and utilize public transportation options that offer student discounts.

5. Look into work-study opportunities or part-time jobs both on and off-campus to help cover living expenses.

6. Apply for scholarships and financial aid to help offset the cost of your education.

7. Be mindful of your spending and create a budget to track your expenses.

While living in New York City can be expensive, having a plan in place and being financially conscientious can help you save money during your time at Parsons. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to their financial aid office directly - I'm sure they've addressed plenty of concerns about housing in New York before!

Good luck with your application!

7 days ago

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