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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Penn State Abington Ranking?

Hi, I'm considering applying to Penn State Abington, and I was curious about its overall ranking. Does anyone have any information on this school's ranking and its reputation in the academic community?

7 days ago

Hi there! As you're researching Penn State Abington, it's essential to keep in mind that rankings can vary depending on the source and its methodology. That being said, Penn State Abington is a smaller campus of the larger Pennsylvania State University.

In the context of Pennsylvania State University rankings, the main campus at University Park is typically the one most often ranked by major publications, such as US News and World Report or Forbes. The main campus ranks well nationally. However, specific branch campuses like Abington are not typically ranked separately. It's tricky to pinpoint a specific ranking for Penn State Abington as it is primarily a regional institution and not often included in national rankings.

Instead of focusing solely on rankings, consider looking deeper into the individual programs that interest you at Penn State Abington and their resources. Also, look into the size and location of the campus, student life, and extracurricular opportunities to better gauge if it's a good fit for you.

Overall, the school maintains the academic reputation of the larger Pennsylvania State University system. It's ideal for students seeking a more intimate campus environment within the reputable Penn State network.

7 days ago

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