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Best film schools in California?

Hey everyone! I'm a junior in high school and I'm really interested in film. I'm looking to pursue it as my major in college. What are some great film schools in California? Any suggestions or personal experiences?

6 days ago

Hey there! California is home to some of the best film schools in the country. Here are a few notable ones which are well-regarded for their film programs:

1. University of Southern California (USC) - The USC School of Cinematic Arts is widely considered one of the top film schools. It offers diverse programs in film, animation, screenwriting, and more. Many successful filmmakers have emerged from USC, including George Lucas and Robert Zemeckis.

2. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) - The UCLA School of Theater, Film, and Television is another well-known film school in California. It focuses on combining theoretical analysis with hands-on practical production experiences. Notable alumni include Francis Ford Coppola, Tim Robbins, and Alexander Payne.

3. California Institute of the Arts (CalArts) - Located in Valencia, CalArts is known for its emphasis on artistic experimentation in film and animation. The school is closely linked with Walt Disney and Pixar, with several renowned animators among its alumni, including John Lasseter and Brad Bird.

4. Loyola Marymount University (LMU) - The School of Film and Television at LMU in Los Angeles has a strong focus on storytelling and technical skills. It offers undergraduate programs in production, animation, and screenwriting, as well as a range of graduate programs.

5. Chapman University - Chapman's Dodge College of Film and Media Arts, located in Orange County, provides extensive resources for students, including state-of-the-art facilities and partnerships with industry professionals. Some notable alumni include Matt and Ross Duffer ('Stranger Things' creators) and Justin Simien ('Dear White People' creator).

6. San Francisco State University (SFSU) - SFSU's School of Cinema offers a variety of programs in narrative, experimental, and documentary filmmaking. Located in the heart of San Francisco, students can benefit from the vibrant art scene of the city as they study.

7. University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley) - While UC Berkeley doesn't have a dedicated film school like some other universities on this list, they have a Department of Film & Media that offers comprehensive undergraduate and graduate programs for students interested in film production, theory, and criticism.

When deciding on a film school, consider factors such as the curriculum, available resources, alumni network, and professional connections. Make sure to visit schools' websites to learn more about each program, attend open houses or online info sessions, and speak with current students or alumni to get a feel for the schools. Good luck in your film school search!

6 days ago

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