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Best Division 2 baseball colleges?

I really enjoy playing baseball and I'm considering continuing at the Division 2 level in college. What are some of the top D2 baseball colleges? Thanks for your help!

7 months ago

It's fantastic that you're interested in continuing to play baseball in college at the Division 2 level! Some top D2 baseball colleges have strong programs not just in terms of athletics but also academically. Here are a few notable Division 2 baseball colleges that you can consider:

1. University of Tampa (Tampa, FL) - The University of Tampa has a very successful baseball program with multiple NCAA D2 championships.

2. Florida Southern College (Lakeland, FL) - Florida Southern is another strong D2 baseball program with several championships under its belt.

3. Colorado Mesa University (Grand Junction, CO) - Colorado Mesa has a competitive baseball team that often ranks high in the national polls.

4. Augusta University (Augusta, GA) - Augusta University's baseball team has had several successful seasons and made appearances in the NCAA tournament.

5. Catawba College (Salisbury, NC) - Catawba College has a strong baseball program that consistently competes at a high level and has a history of success.

6. Angelo State University (San Angelo, TX) - Angelo State's baseball team has had numerous successful seasons, reaching the NCAA playoffs and establishing a winning tradition.

Remember that it's crucial to find the right balance between academics and athletics when choosing a college. Make sure to research each college to find one that offers strong programs in your field of study. Also, consider reaching out to the coaching staff to express your interest in their baseball programs and learn more about the recruitment process.

Good luck with your college search and baseball journey!

7 months ago

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