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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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SUNY Albany GPA?

Hello! I'm starting to think about college applications and SUNY Albany is on my list. Does anyone know the average high school GPA for admitted students or the GPA range they typically accept? Thanks for any info you can share!

7 months ago

Hello! SUNY Albany is a great choice to consider for your college applications. According to their admissions data, the average high school GPA for admitted students at SUNY Albany is around 3.5. However, keep in mind that the middle 50% GPA range for accepted students generally falls between 3.0 and 3.8.

That being said, it's important to remember that GPA is just one aspect of your application. SUNY Albany has a holistic admission process, which means that they consider multiple factors when reviewing applications, such as your course rigor, extracurricular involvement, leadership, and volunteerism, among other things. So even if your GPA is not exactly within the mentioned range, you might still have a good chance of being admitted if you have a strong application overall.

Best of luck with your college applications!

7 months ago

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