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Best engineering schools in Pennsylvania?

I'm really into engineering and want to stay local for college. Can anybody recommend some good engineering schools in Pennsylvania?

11 days ago

Absolutely! Pennsylvania is home to several reputable engineering schools. Here are some top engineering schools in the state:

1. Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) - Located in Pittsburgh, CMU is renowned for its engineering programs, particularly in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering.

2. University of Pennsylvania (Penn) - An Ivy League school in Philadelphia, Penn offers strong engineering programs through its School of Engineering and Applied Science, including Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, and Systems Engineering.

3. Pennsylvania State University (Penn State) - With its main campus in University Park, Penn State has a well-regarded College of Engineering that encompasses a wide range of disciplines such as Aerospace Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Environmental Engineering.

4. Lehigh University - Located in Bethlehem, Lehigh is known for its P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science, offering undergraduate programs in various fields like Industrial Engineering, Materials Science Engineering, and Computer Engineering.

5. Drexel University - Situated in Philadelphia, Drexel's College of Engineering provides a strong foundation in various disciplines, including Biomedical Engineering, Architectural Engineering, and Engineering Technologies.

6. Swarthmore College - A small liberal arts college near Philadelphia, Swarthmore offers unique engineering programs that blend a liberal arts education with engineering principles, making it suitable for students interested in interdisciplinary studies.

7. Bucknell University - Based in Lewisburg, Bucknell's College of Engineering offers hands-on, project-based learning in disciplines like Chemical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering.

While these are some of the top schools in the state, remember to consider factors such as campus culture, financial aid, and location when making your college decision. Good luck with your search!

11 days ago

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