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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Thoughts on private universities in Georgia?

Hi everyone, I've always wanted to study in Georgia, and now I'm looking into private universities there. Does anyone have any thoughts or recommendations about which ones are worth considering? I'm open to all majors right now!

6 days ago

Hello! It's great that you're considering private universities in Georgia. There are several private institutions that offer a variety of programs and majors. Here are a few well-known options that you might find interesting:

1. Emory University: Located in Atlanta, Emory is a highly-ranked research university offering a wide range of majors and strong programs in healthcare, business, and the liberal arts. With access to research opportunities and a diverse campus community, Emory provides an excellent academic experience.

2. Spelman College: Located in Atlanta, Spelman College is a historically Black liberal arts college for women and is a member of the Atlanta University Center Consortium. The college is known for its strong programs in the humanities, social sciences, and STEM fields.

3. Morehouse College: Also a member of the Atlanta University Center Consortium, Morehouse College is a historically Black men's college with strong programs in the humanities, social sciences, and business. Morehouse fosters a strong sense of community and focuses on leadership development.

4. Mercer University: Mercer, located in Macon, provides a broad spectrum of majors and has particularly strong programs in engineering, nursing, and business. The university emphasizes a balance of academics, service, and extracurricular opportunities to develop well-rounded students.

5. SCAD (Savannah College of Art and Design): SCAD, with campuses in Savannah and Atlanta, is a top institution for students interested in pursuing careers in art and design-related fields. SCAD offers a wide array of majors, including illustration, graphic design, fashion, architecture, filmmaking, and animation.

As you research these universities, consider factors like location, available majors, size, campus culture, and additional resources to find the best fit for you. While some of these schools have a specific focus, others offer a broader range of programs to accommodate your interests. Good luck in your search!

6 days ago

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