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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Purdue University location and campus life?

Hi everyone! I'm considering applying to Purdue University but I'm not sure about its location and what the campus life is like. Can someone provide some insights on where it is and what the student experience is like there? Thanks in advance!

8 days ago

Purdue University is located in West Lafayette, Indiana, a small college town surrounded by a mix of rural and urban landscapes. The university is situated about 65 miles northwest of Indianapolis and 120 miles southeast of Chicago, which makes it relatively easy to access larger cities for various events and opportunities.

Campus life at Purdue is quite vibrant, with over 1,000 student organizations you can join to pursue various interests and hobbies. These clubs cover a broad range of areas, such as academic and professional organizations, service and philanthropy, cultural and international organizations, sports and recreation clubs, as well as Greek life. With such a diverse array of options, you're sure to find something that aligns with your interests and helps you connect with others who share your passions.

Purdue is a large public university with a student population of around 45,000, which includes undergraduate and graduate students. This creates a vibrant and diverse community, allowing you to meet people from various backgrounds and make lasting connections.

The university places a strong emphasis on athletics, with the Purdue Boilermakers participating in the NCAA Division I Big Ten Conference. Attending sporting events – particularly football and basketball games – is a major part of campus life for many students. These events foster a strong sense of community and school spirit.

Regarding academics, Purdue is renowned for its engineering, computer science, and agriculture programs, among others. The university features cutting-edge technology and research facilities, providing students with ample opportunity for hands-on learning and collaboration.

Housing-wise, there are many on-campus and off-campus living options, including residence halls, apartments, and cooperative housing. Living on campus, especially during your first year, can give you access to various amenities and help you acclimate to college life.

In terms of nearby attractions, there are many restaurants, shops, and cafes in the area around campus, providing plenty of options for dining and socializing. Additionally, the Wabash River and the Purdue University Horticulture Gardens offer opportunities for outdoor activities and relaxation.

Overall, Purdue University has a rich campus life, providing a diverse and inclusive environment with a wide variety of clubs, sports events, and activities to keep you engaged and connected with fellow students.

8 days ago

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