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SFSU Criminal Justice program?

Hi guys! I'm thinking about applying to San Francisco State University and majoring in criminal justice. Does anyone have any experience with their program? Would you recommend it? What are the pros and cons?

5 months ago

Hi there! It's great that you're considering San Francisco State University (SFSU) for your criminal justice major. While I don't have personal experience with the program, I can share some general information that may be helpful.


1. Location: SFSU is situated in a diverse and exciting city, which offers numerous opportunities for internships, networking, and hands-on experiences related to criminal justice. Additionally, due to the nature of a large urban area like San Francisco, you can engage with social issues (e.g. homelessness, drug abuse, policing) that are relevant to your studies.

2. Faculty: SFSU's criminal justice program has knowledgeable and experienced faculty members. Professors often have backgrounds in law enforcement, research, or legal sectors, allowing students to learn from a diverse set of perspectives.

3. Internships and Networking: With its connections to local law enforcement agencies, government organizations, and non-profits, SFSU can provide students with numerous opportunities for internships and networking within the criminal justice field. These experiences can be vital for your growth and future job prospects.

4. Curriculum: SFSU's criminal justice program offers a well-rounded curriculum that covers topics such as law enforcement, corrections, rehabilitation, and crime analysis and prevention. This diverse course selection helps students get exposed to different aspects of the field, which is beneficial in understanding the complexities of the criminal justice system.


1. Competitive Field: Criminal justice is a popular major, which can make the field quite competitive. While SFSU provides a solid education, it's essential to work hard and make the most out of the opportunities presented to stand out to potential employers.

2. Limited specializations: Like many other undergraduate programs, SFSU's criminal justice major has a broad focus. Therefore, if you're interested in a specific aspect of criminal justice, you might need to explore elective courses or seek additional experiences (like internships or research opportunities) to further specialize.

Overall, SFSU's criminal justice program seems to have a strong foundation, offering a wide range of courses and exposure to real-world experiences through internships and networking. It's critical to make the most out of these resources and work hard to stand out in the competitive field. If you can, reach out to current students or alumni to get more personalized insights into the program. Good luck with your decision!

5 months ago

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