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Arizona State University admission requirements?

Hey everyone, I'm starting to look into Arizona State University for college. Does anyone know what the general admission requirements are, like GPA and test scores?

7 days ago

Arizona State University (ASU) has a fairly straightforward admissions process. Here are the general admission requirements for incoming freshmen:

1. GPA: ASU typically looks for students with a minimum 3.0 GPA (unweighted) in their high school coursework. However, keep in mind that this is a minimum requirement, and many admitted students have higher GPAs.

2. Test Scores: ASU is currently test-optional, meaning that you do not need to submit SAT or ACT scores for consideration. However, if you have strong test scores, you can still submit them to potentially strengthen your application. If you choose to submit test scores, ASU's middle 50% score range for admitted students is 1120-1360 for the SAT and 22-29 for the ACT. Keep in mind that these ranges are not strict cutoffs, and students both above and below these ranges can still be admitted.

3. High School Coursework: ASU requires the successful completion of specific high school courses, which they refer to as "competency requirements." These include:

- 4 years of English

- 4 years of math (including Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and an advanced math course)

- 3 years of laboratory science (1 year each from biology, chemistry, earth science, and physics)

- 2 years of social science (including one year of American history)

- 2 years of the same foreign language

- 1 year of fine arts or a career and technical education course (CTE)

Make sure to submit your application, transcripts, and any other necessary materials by the application deadline. Keep in mind that ASU also encourages students to participate in extracurricular activities and write strong application essays, which will be considered alongside your academic qualifications during the review process.

Finally, be sure to check the specific program requirements for your intended major, as some programs may have additional or unique requirements. Good luck with the application process!

7 days ago

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