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Dartmouth biology major: how rigorous is it?

I'm considering majoring in biology at Dartmouth, but I'm curious about how rigorous the program is. Can any current students or recent grads share their experiences? How's the coursework, research opportunities, and overall academic environment at Dartmouth?

12 days ago

I'm not a current student or recent grad, but I can provide some insights into the biology major at Dartmouth. Dartmouth's biology program is known for its rigor and quality. The curriculum is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of different areas of biology while allowing students to focus on their specific interests.

Coursework: The foundational courses, such as BIOL 11 and BIOL 12, are known to be challenging but provide a solid grounding in biology concepts. As you progress through the major, you'll have the opportunity to choose from a wide variety of elective courses in areas like cellular biology, ecology, genetics, and more. Many of these courses are smaller and often taught by renowned faculty members who are experts in their field. The coursework can be demanding, but it's designed to help students develop the critical thinking and problem-solving skills needed for a successful career in biology.

Research opportunities: Dartmouth stands out for its undergraduate research opportunities, which are extensive and accessible to students across different majors. As a biology major, you can participate in research experiences either through working directly with faculty in their labs or applying for independent research programs, such as the WISP (Women in Science Project), the Presidential Scholars Program, or the Independent Research Program. Participating in research not only strengthens your understanding of concepts learned in class but also helps you develop practical skills and build professional connections that can be important for your future career.

Academic environment: The academic environment at Dartmouth is known for being highly collaborative and supportive. Professors often have an open-door policy and are readily available to answer questions or provide guidance on coursework and research. Class sizes are relatively small, especially in upper-level courses, which makes it easier to engage in discussions and build relationships with both peers and faculty. Moreover, the quarter system at Dartmouth allows for more flexibility in exploring different courses and subjects without overwhelming your schedule.

In summary, the biology major at Dartmouth is rigorous and requires dedication and hard work. However, the comprehensive curriculum, research opportunities, and supportive academic environment make it a rewarding experience that prepares students for success in their future careers in biology or related fields.

12 days ago

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