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Pros and cons of Dartmouth College's location?

I'm really interested in applying to Dartmouth, but I'm a city girl and I'm nervous about its rural location in Hanover. Can anyone shed some light on the pros and cons of living in a smaller town like Hanover while attending Dartmouth?

8 days ago

Pros of Dartmouth College's Location:

1. Close-knit community: Dartmouth's rural setting promotes a strong sense of camaraderie among students, faculty, and staff. This close-knit atmosphere fosters collaboration, support, and lifelong friendships among its members.

2. Outdoor opportunities: Hanover offers a plethora of outdoor activities year-round. Students can enjoy hiking, skiing, and mountain biking in the nearby White Mountains, or kayaking and canoeing on the Connecticut River. Dartmouth's strong emphasis on outdoor education, with programs like the First-Year Trips, allows students to get involved and explore nature easily.

3. Focus on academics and extracurriculars: The location can encourage students to concentrate more on their studies and be involved in on-campus clubs and activities. The lack of urban distractions means students can connect with their peers and make the most of their college experience.

4. Safe environment: Hanover consistently ranks as one of the safest college towns in the country. The low crime rates and strong sense of community contribute to feeling secure on campus and in the surrounding areas.

Cons of Dartmouth College's Location:

1. Limited entertainment options: Students who prefer the hustle and bustle of a city may find Dartmouth's rural atmosphere lacking in terms of dining, shopping, and nightlife. There are a few restaurants and stores in Hanover, but the choices and the frequency of events may not compare to that of a city.

2. Transportation: Public transportation options in Hanover are limited. Buses run between Hanover and nearby towns, but it may be more challenging to get around without a car. Students looking to travel away from campus frequently or needing ready access to an airport should take this into account.

3. Internship and job opportunities: While Dartmouth does provide opportunities for internships and job experiences, having fewer local options might mean students have to travel or wait for term breaks to connect with companies in larger cities.

4. Winters: Hanover is known for its long, cold winters. Students who prefer warmer climates may find the snowy, freezing temperatures challenging for several months.

Ultimately, the pros and cons of Dartmouth College's location will depend on your preferences and priorities. If you value a tight-knit community and outdoor experiences, you might find Dartmouth's rural location perfect for you. However, if you cannot envision living without the buzz of a city, you may need to weigh the prestige and academic offerings of Dartmouth against the lifestyle that a smaller town provides.

8 days ago

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