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SAT: 720 math
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Division Two Colleges in Ohio

Hi everyone! I'm currently researching colleges and have been interested in Division Two schools in Ohio. Does anyone have a list or some suggestions of D2 schools in Ohio that I should check out? Thanks!

6 days ago

Sure! Here's a list of some Division Two colleges in Ohio that you can check out:

1. Ashland University

2. Cedarville University

3. Central State University

4. University of Findlay

5. Lake Erie College

6. Malone University

7. Notre Dame College

8. Ohio Dominican University

9. Tiffin University

10. Ursuline College

11. Walsh University

These schools are part of the NCAA Division II and compete in sports like basketball, soccer, track and field, volleyball, and more. Keep in mind that each college has its own unique campus atmosphere, academics, and extracurricular opportunities. As you research these schools, I recommend considering factors like size, location, available majors, and financial aid offerings to determine which would be the best fit for you. Don't hesitate to reach out to each school's admissions office to get more information or schedule a campus visit if possible. Good luck with your college search!

6 days ago

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