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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What happens if I back out of Early Decision?

Has anyone ever had the experience of applying Early Decision and then backing out? I'm a bit unsure and worried if I apply ED and then change my mind. What are the penalties or consequences for doing this? Thank you for any advice!

a year ago

It's definitely understandable that you're feeling unsure about Early Decision. Binding decisions can be stressful and weighing the pros and cons is important.

My own child applied ED to a college and ultimately decided not to attend for financial reasons. We were able to get out of the ED agreement without any real penalty. Students can back out of Early Decision usually for financial reasons or if their priorities change drastically. However, it's not recommended to back out simply because you changed your mind. Colleges do not appreciate the disregard for their early decision process.

Also, keep in mind that backing out can potentially have negative consequences. Colleges might share your information with other schools, making it difficult to gain acceptance elsewhere. Before choosing to apply Early Decision, make sure you weigh the commitment, knowing that it should be your top choice school and that you're comfortable with it being a binding decision.

a year ago

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