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Is Stanford considered a research-intensive university?

Hello! I'm a high school junior and I'm considering applying to Stanford next year. I know it's a prestigious institution, but I'm wondering if it's regarded as a research university as well. I intend to major in environmental science, and I would like to engage in research during my undergraduate years. If anyone knows about Stanford's research reputation or opportunities, I would appreciate it. Thank you!

a year ago

Hello! I can definitely help answer your question about Stanford being considered a research-intensive university. In fact, yes, Stanford is widely recognized as a leading research institution. It consistently ranks among the top universities in the world for research output and investment, and many students and faculty are involved in cutting-edge research across various disciplines.

In terms of opportunities for undergraduates, Stanford offers its students many ways to participate in research. Undergraduate students can find research opportunities by connecting with faculty members, and you can even receive funding to support your work through programs like the Major Grant and the Conference Grant. Additionally, there are research centers and institutes on campus that focus on various subjects, which can be a great resource for finding research projects in your field of interest.

For environmental science specifically, Stanford has the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment, which houses many interdisciplinary research initiatives related to sustainable environmental solutions. This could be a wonderful place for you to engage in environmental research during your time at Stanford. Overall, I believe that if you're interested in research-oriented experiences, especially within environmental science, Stanford would offer you plenty of opportunities to succeed. Best of luck with your college application process!

a year ago

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