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Art colleges in Hawaii?

Aloha! I'm looking to study art in college, and I'm super interested in attending school in Hawaii. Are there any good art colleges in the state?

4 days ago

Aloha! Hawaii offers a few colleges and universities with reputable art programs for you to consider. Here are three options to look into:

1. University of Hawaii at Manoa (UH Manoa): As the flagship campus of the University of Hawaii system, UH Manoa offers a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) program with various concentrations like drawing and painting, print media, ceramics, fiber, and glass. Additionally, they offer a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Studio Art and Art History. UH Manoa is known for its strong arts programs and diverse campus experience.

2. University of Hawaii at Hilo (UH Hilo): Located on the Big Island, UH Hilo offers a BA in Art with concentrations in Studio Art, Digital Art, and Art History. This program provides a balance of theory and practice, making it a suitable option for those interested in a comprehensive art education.

3. Hawaii Pacific University (HPU): This private university in Honolulu offers a BA in Studio Art, which focuses on a range of mediums such as ceramics, sculpture, printmaking, and shell art. They also offer a BA in Art History that encompasses Asian, Pacific, and Western art.

While these schools might not be specialized art colleges, they offer strong art programs and will provide you with a quality education in a beautiful setting. It's essential to research each school, visit their respective art department websites, and, if possible, take a campus tour to see which one aligns best with your artistic goals and interests. Best of luck in your college search!

4 days ago

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