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Stonehill GPA Calculator

Hi everyone! I am currently a high school junior and looking to apply to Stonehill College. I was wondering if anyone has a link or recommendation for a GPA calculator that matches the way Stonehill calculates their GPA? I want to make sure I'm accurately representing my academic standing during the application process.

27 days ago

Hello! While I don't have a Stonehill-specific GPA calculator, I can help you accurately determine your GPA based on their methods. Stonehill College calculates GPA on a 4.0 scale, like many other institutions. First, you'll need to get the conversions for your letter grades to a 4.0 scale:

- A: 4.0

- A-: 3.7

- B+: 3.3

- B: 3.0

- B-: 2.7

- C+: 2.3

- C: 2.0

- C-: 1.7

- D+: 1.3

- D: 1.0

- F: 0

Once you have the conversions, follow these steps:

1. Make a list of all your classes and the converted grade points you received in each class. If your school uses weighted grades for Honors, AP, or IB classes, make sure to adjust the GPA value accordingly, usually by adding 0.5 for Honors and 1.0 for AP/IB courses.

2. Calculate the total number of credit hours for each class. Most classes have the same number of credit hours (typically 1), but that can vary.

3. Multiply each class's grade point value by its respective credit hour. This gives you the weighted grade points for each class.

4. Add up all the weighted grade points.

5. Add up all the credit hours.

6. Divide the total weighted grade points by the total credit hours.

The result will be your cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale, which you can use when applying to Stonehill College. Keep in mind that Stonehill, like most colleges, will also evaluate your transcript, so they'll consider the rigor of your coursework in addition to your GPA. I hope this helps! Good luck with your application.

27 days ago

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