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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How helpful is applying early decision?

Hey everyone, I'm a junior starting to plan my college applications and wondering how much applying early decision actually helps. When applying ED, do colleges expect higher stats or less? Will applying ED improve my chances of getting accepted or just cause extra stress? Thanks in advance for your help!

a year ago

Hey there! It's great that you're thinking ahead about your college application strategy. Applying Early Decision (ED) can indeed be helpful, but it's important to understand how it works and whether it's a good fit for your situation.

In most cases, colleges don't expect higher stats from ED applicants; in fact, some schools might have slightly lower average stats for ED admits compared to Regular Decision (RD) because they appreciate the demonstrated interest and commitment. Applying ED could potentially increase your chances of acceptance at some schools, but it's critical to remember that ED is binding. If you're accepted, you're expected to enroll and withdraw all other applications.

The key is weighing the benefits and drawbacks. If you have a clear top choice that's a good fit both academically and financially, ED can be a powerful tactic. However, it could cause stress if you're unsure about your college preference or need to compare financial aid offers from multiple institutions. Early Action (EA) could be an alternative non-binding option that also demonstrates interest and allows for earlier notification.

Ultimately, only you can determine if applying ED is the right choice for you. Best of luck on your journey!

a year ago

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