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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does anyone know what a research-intensive university is?

So, I was talking to a friend about colleges, and they mentioned looking into research-intensive universities. What does that term mean, and how is it different from a regular university? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

a year ago

Hey! I had the same question when my child was applying to college. Research-intensive universities are institutions that prioritize research activities and are more focused on pushing the boundaries of knowledge in various fields. These universities often receive substantial funding for their research activities, which allows for cutting-edge infrastructure and resources to support both faculty and students in their research endeavors.

Compared to regular universities, research-intensive ones typically offer a more significant number of research opportunities, especially for undergraduates. Students at these universities may have more chances to engage in research projects, collaborate with renowned professors, and even publish their findings. Additionally, these universities are often linked with better job prospects and graduate school opportunities in research-heavy fields.

Some examples of research-intensive universities in the US include the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Stanford University, and the University of California, Berkeley. I hope this helps in your college search!

a year ago

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