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Kennesaw State housing costs?

Hey guys! I'm considering Kennesaw State as one of my top choices for college. I was wondering, what's the average cost of housing on campus? Are there any affordable off-campus options nearby that you'd recommend?

5 months ago

Hey there! Kennesaw State University offers a range of on-campus housing options with varying costs. For the 2024-2025 academic year, the housing costs on the Kennesaw Campus average around $8,480 per year. Keep in mind that prices can change, and you should check the university's housing website for the most up-to-date information.

As for off-campus options, there are various apartment complexes and rental properties in close proximity to the university. Prices can vary greatly based on factors such as location, room type, and amenities. Some popular off-campus housing options include The Blake, West 22, and Stadium Village. You can typically find shared off-campus apartments or houses ranging from $500 to $900 per month. I recommend doing your research to find an off-campus option that best fits your budget and preferences.

Don't forget to factor in additional costs like utilities, transportation, and food expenses when considering off-campus housing. Good luck in your housing search and I hope you have a great experience at Kennesaw State University!

5 months ago

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