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Majors at Loyola University Maryland: Recommendations?

Hi folks! Looking into Loyola University Maryland and I was wondering if there are any standout majors or programs there. What is Loyola Maryland well-known for and what would you recommend for someone who is still undecided? Any advice appreciated!

5 months ago

Loyola University Maryland has several strong undergraduate programs to explore, so the best one for you largely depends on your interests and career goals. However, there are a handful of majors that stand out for their quality and reputation. These include:

1. Business Administration: Loyola Maryland's Sellinger School of Business and Management is quite reputable and offers a well-rounded business education. The business school provides various concentrations, including finance, management, marketing, and information systems, allowing you to tailor your studies to your interests.

2. Psychology: The Psychology program at Loyola Maryland is known for its strong research focus and engaged faculty. Students in this program can participate in research opportunities and internships, which can help you gain practical experience and make informed decisions about potential careers in psychology or other related fields.

3. Communication: The communication program at Loyola Maryland lets you focus on various subfields, such as media production or public relations. This major emphasizes hands-on experience and provides opportunities for internships, which can help you develop skills and connections in your desired field.

4. Engineering (in collaboration with the University of Maryland, College Park): This 3+2 program allows students to complete a degree in physics, computer science, or mathematics at Loyola Maryland before transferring to the University of Maryland, College Park to earn an engineering degree. This means students can benefit from a liberal arts education foundation and have access to an ABET-accredited engineering program.

5. Biology: The biology program has a strong emphasis on research and lab work, offering students the chance to work closely with faculty. The program can be a great choice for students interested in pursuing careers in the healthcare industry, research, or other related fields.

For students who are undecided, one recommendation is to take introductory classes in some of these fields during your first year at Loyola Maryland. This can help you get a taste of different subjects and discover your passion. Additionally, you may want to consider declaring an interdisciplinary major or a self-designed major, which can give you the flexibility to explore various disciplines and ultimately create a program that aligns with your interests and goals. Remember that the university also has advisors and resources available to help you make informed decisions about your major and future career plans.

5 months ago

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