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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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NJIT CS program ranking?

Yo! I'm currently a junior and curious about NJIT's computer science program. How is it ranked compared to other universities? Is it a solid choice for someone interested in this field?

5 months ago

NJIT's computer science program is well-regarded and offers a strong education for those interested in the field. Although the program may not be as highly ranked as top tier schools like MIT, Stanford, or Carnegie Mellon, it is a solid choice, particularly for those focusing on applied aspects of computer science.

The university's location in Newark, New Jersey, provides great access to educational, research, and professional opportunities related to technology. NJIT has numerous corporate partnerships and connections with local and national tech companies, which can help facilitate internships and job opportunities for students.

The curriculum of NJIT's computer science program covers a wide range of essential topics such as data structures, algorithms, operating systems, and computer networks. There are also opportunities for students to delve into different specializations, like artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and software engineering, through electives and research projects.

Overall, NJIT's computer science program offers a robust education that can lead to strong job prospects for its graduates. While it may not be ranked among the very top programs nationally, it remains a solid choice for anyone pursuing a career in the field.

5 months ago

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