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Division 2 schools in Ohio?

I'm looking to attend a Division 2 school in Ohio for athletics, can you guys provide me with some options? I'd appreciate any help!

5 days ago

Sure, I'd be happy to help you with a list of Division 2 schools in Ohio. These schools are part of the NCAA Division II and offer a range of athletic opportunities and scholarships. Here are some options in Ohio:

1. Ashland University: Located in Ashland, it competes in the Great Lakes Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (GLIAC).

2. Cedarville University: Based in Cedarville, this university is a member of the Great Midwest Athletic Conference (G-MAC).

3. Lake Erie College: Situated in Painesville, it is a part of the Great Midwest Athletic Conference (G-MAC).

4. Malone University: Located in Canton, Malone competes in the Great Midwest Athletic Conference (G-MAC).

5. Ohio Dominican University: Based in Columbus, it is a member of the Great Midwest Athletic Conference (G-MAC).

6. Tiffin University: Located in Tiffin, the university participates in the Great Midwest Athletic Conference (G-MAC).

7. University of Findlay: Situated in Findlay, it is part of the Great Midwest Athletic Conference (G-MAC).

8. Ursuline College: Based in Pepper Pike, this women's college competes in the Great Midwest Athletic Conference (G-MAC).

9. Walsh University: Located in North Canton, Walsh is a member of the Great Midwest Athletic Conference (G-MAC).

All of these colleges offer various athletic programs, so you'll want to explore the specific sports offered at each school and their scholarship opportunities, as well as their academic offerings to ensure a good fit for your goals. Best of luck in your college search and athletic pursuits!

5 days ago

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