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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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SMU Diversity

I've been researching Southern Methodist University and I really want to know more about the level of diversity on their campus. Does anyone have any personal experiences or information about SMU's diverse student body?

7 months ago

SMU does make efforts to promote diversity on campus, but it may not be as diverse as some other universities. According to the most recent data available, around 62% of the undergraduate student body identifies as White, while approximately 14% identifies as Hispanic, 9% as Asian, and 5% as Black or African American. Additionally, international students make up around 3% of the student population.

The university has a variety of organizations, programs, and resources to support diversity and foster an inclusive environment. Some of these include the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs, the Women & LGBT Center, and various cultural and affinity clubs, which help to create a sense of belonging and provide spaces for students from different backgrounds to come together and share their experiences.

Nevertheless, some students have voiced concerns about a lack of diversity and instances of racial insensitivity on campus. It's important to recognize that individual experiences can greatly vary, so it's a good idea to visit the campus (if possible) or connect with current students to get a better understanding of the atmosphere and gauge if SMU's level of diversity aligns with your preferences and needs.

7 months ago

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