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Southern Utah University Financial Aid

Does anyone here have experience with the financial aid process at Southern Utah University? I'm trying to determine my options for paying for college, so any information on merit scholarships, need-based aid, or other financial assistance offered by SUU would be super helpful!

7 months ago

I can provide some information on the financial aid process at Southern Utah University (SUU). SUU offers a variety of options for financial assistance, including merit scholarships, need-based aid, and a range of departmental and talent scholarships.

For merit scholarships, incoming freshmen are automatically considered for Presidential, Deans', and Founders' Scholarships when they apply for admission. These scholarships are based on high school GPA and range from $500 to full tuition per year. You can check the requirements for each of these scholarships on the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships page on the SUU website.

In terms of need-based aid, make sure to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as possible (it opens every year on October 1) to determine your eligibility for federal grants, loans, and work-study opportunities. SUU's FAFSA School Code is 003678.

Additionally, SUU offers a variety of departmental and talent scholarships, which can be found through the SUU Scholarship Office's website. These scholarships are available to students who excel in specific academic areas or extracurricular activities like music, theatre, art, and athletics. The application process and requirements for these scholarships vary by department, so it's essential to research and apply directly through each department. Keep in mind, some of these scholarships have deadlines much earlier than the general scholarship application deadline.

Lastly, don't forget to explore external scholarships not affiliated with SUU. There are countless scholarship opportunities provided by private organizations and foundations that cater to different situations, specific majors, or unique demographics. Some popular scholarship search engines include Fastweb,, and Cappex.

Overall, to maximize your financial aid options at SUU, start by submitting your FAFSA, check for departmental and talent scholarships on the SUU website, and apply for external scholarships through search engines. Best of luck!

7 months ago

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