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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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St. Leo University Florida location?

Hey guys, I've been looking into St. Leo University in Florida for college. I'm wondering about the general area where it's located. What's the surrounding town/area like? Are there fun things nearby for college students to do?

7 months ago

St. Leo University is located in St. Leo, Florida, which is a small town in Pasco County. The town itself is relatively small and quiet, offering a tranquil and picturesque environment for students. The campus has a beautiful setting with scenic views and plenty of green spaces.

As for the nearby area, St. Leo University is close to the larger city of Dade City, which is about a 10-minute drive away. In Dade City, you'll find various shops, restaurants, and local events such as farmers' markets and community festivals. Although it's not as bustling as a major city, there are still opportunities to enjoy off-campus activities.

For more entertainment and recreational options, St. Leo University is approximately a one-hour drive from the major city of Tampa. Tampa offers a wide variety of attractions, such as theme parks (Busch Gardens), museums, sports events, and nightlife. Additionally, the famous beaches of Clearwater and St. Petersburg are within a reasonable driving distance, providing great opportunities to unwind over the weekend or during breaks.

Overall, the location of St. Leo University offers a balance of small-town charm with easy access to larger cities for a more vibrant social life and recreational activities.

7 months ago

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