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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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SUNY Oneonta student population?

Does anyone have info on the student population at SUNY Oneonta? How big is the school and what's the campus like? Any insights would be so helpful!

7 months ago

SUNY Oneonta has a moderately-sized student population, with approximately 4,900 undergraduate students enrolled. This size offers a balance between a smaller, more personalized learning experience and a larger, more diverse community, making it easier to form connections and find your niche.

The campus sprawls across about 250 acres and is known for its picturesque setting with beautiful green spaces, tree-lined walkways, and well-maintained buildings. The blend of historic and modern architecture gives the campus an appealing aesthetic. Students at SUNY Oneonta have access to various facilities, including a state-of-the-art library, gym, dining halls, and campus centers. The school also offers a wide range of clubs, organizations, and recreational opportunities to help students engage in campus life and make connections.

SUNY Oneonta is located in the small town of Oneonta, New York, which is known for its friendly, safe, and vibrant community. The town offers a variety of activities, including dining, shopping, and outdoor recreational pursuits, while the college community actively participates in local festivals and events. The campus is about a 3.5-hour drive from New York City, so you'll have the opportunity to visit the city for cultural experiences or other events if desired.

Overall, SUNY Oneonta provides a comfortable, welcoming atmosphere for its students, with access to excellent academic resources and a supportive campus community.

7 months ago

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