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TCU food plan options?

Hey TCU peeps, I'm curious about the food plans available at TCU. Could you give me an idea of what options are available and if the food is any good? Thanks, and eat your veggies!

7 months ago

Hey there! Sure, I can help you with TCU meal plan options. Texas Christian University (TCU) offers a few different meal plan options for students living on campus, depending on their year and preferences.

1. Unlimited Meal Plan: This plan allows you to have unlimited visits to Market Square, the main dining hall on campus, per week. It also comes with $400 Campus Cash per semester, which can be used in other on-campus dining locations.

2. 14 Meals Per Week Plan: This plan allows you to have 14 meals per week at Market Square. It also comes with $350 Campus Cash per semester.

3. Flex 7 Meal Plan: This plan is available for students living in apartments and Greek housing. It includes 7 meals per week at Market Square, as well as $800 Campus Cash per semester.

Additionally, there's an option to add more Dining Dollars to any plan if you find that you need more flexibility. Dining Dollars can be used in different dining locations on campus, including fast-food chains, cafes, and convenience stores.

As for the food quality, it generally gets positive feedback from students. Market Square offers a variety of food stations such as salad, pizza, grill, international cuisine, and desserts, along with vegan and vegetarian options. Opinions on the food may vary, but most students find the variety and quality to be satisfactory.

Remember to eat your veggies and good luck with your TCU experience!

7 months ago

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