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Texas Division 2 football schools

I'm trying to explore my options for playing football in college, and I'm particularly interested in Division 2 schools in Texas. Can anyone give me some suggestions on which schools have D2 football teams?

7 months ago

Sure! Here is a list of some NCAA Division 2 schools in Texas that have football programs:

1. Angelo State University: Located in San Angelo, Angelo State is a part of the Lone Star Conference. Their team is known as the Rams.

2. The University of Texas at Tyler: Located in Tyler, UT Tyler competes in the Lone Star Conference as well. Their team is called the Patriots.

3. West Texas A&M University: Situated in Canyon, West Texas A&M is a member of the Lone Star Conference. Their team is known as the Buffaloes.

I recommend checking out each school's athletic website to learn more about their football programs, coaching staff, facilities, and more. You can also get in touch with the coaches to express your interest and share your playing experience. Attending college camps or showcases held by these universities might also be a great idea to further explore your options and increase your exposure to the coaches. Good luck with your search!

7 months ago

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