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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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SUNY Geneseo's student population?

Hey everyone! Can anyone tell me about the student population at SUNY Geneseo? Like, how big is it and what's the student-to-faculty ratio? Just wanna get a sense of the campus vibe. Thanks!

7 months ago

Hi there! SUNY Geneseo has a relatively small student population, which contributes to a more intimate campus experience. As of Fall 2021, there are about 3,900 undergraduate students enrolled at the college. SUNY Geneseo's student-to-faculty ratio is also quite low at 15:1. This usually means smaller class sizes, more opportunities for personal interaction with professors, and a greater sense of community among students.

The smaller population can also make it easier for you to get involved with clubs, organizations, and other extracurricular activities. Overall, the campus vibe at SUNY Geneseo tends to be friendly and close-knit, with students often having a strong sense of school spirit.

7 months ago

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