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SAT: 720 math
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Vanguard University Ranking and Reputation

Hi everyone, I'm considering applying to Vanguard University, but I'm not too familiar with its rankings or reputation. Can anyone give me some insight into the school's academic standing and what it's known for? Thanks!

10 days ago

Vanguard University is a private, Christian liberal arts university located in Costa Mesa, California. It is a smaller institution with around 2,200 undergraduate students, offering a tight-knit community and personalized attention from faculty members. As a regional university, Vanguard is ranked #84 in "Regional Universities West" by U.S. News & World Report for the 2022 edition.

Vanguard University is accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC), which signifies it meets quality standards in higher education. The university is also affiliated with the Assemblies of God denomination, which means its curriculum and campus life are shaped by Christian values and principles.

While Vanguard may not carry the same level of prestige as some larger institutions, it maintains a strong commitment to providing an education rooted in the liberal arts tradition, which can prepare you well for various careers or graduate programs. Some of the more popular majors at Vanguard include Business, Psychology, Kinesiology and Exercise Science, Nursing, and Biology.

One key factor to consider is what your priorities are when choosing a college. If you value a faith-based education in a small community setting with personalized attention from professors, Vanguard could be a great fit for you. However, if you're seeking a more renowned institution with a wide range of research and academic resources, it may be worth exploring other options.

Ultimately, the choice depends on your personal preferences and educational goals. It's essential to research the programs, campus atmosphere, and any other factors that are important to you before making your decision.

10 days ago

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