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SAT: 720 math
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Diversity Situation at Villanova

Hey everyone! I've been looking at Villanova and I'm curious about diversity on campus. What is the atmosphere like and how inclusive is the community in general?

9 days ago

Villanova University has been working towards increasing diversity and creating an inclusive environment on campus. As of Fall 2021, around 26% of the undergraduate student body identified as students of color. However, it's important to keep in mind that every student's experience with diversity and inclusivity can be different.

The University has various resources and centers that promote diversity and inclusivity. For example, the Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (ODEI) is responsible for guiding efforts to create a more inclusive campus and community. Additionally, the Intercultural Affairs office works to create an environment of mutual respect and understanding among different cultural, social, and religious backgrounds.

There are also several clubs and organizations on campus that cater to a diverse range of interests and cultural backgrounds, such as the Latin American Student Organization (LASO), Black Student Union (BSU), and the Asian Students Association (ASA). The University encourages students to join or create clubs, as they foster an inclusive environment with their events, programming, and collaboration with other organizations.

Inclusion programs, such as the New Horizons retreat and the Diversity Peer Educators program, provide Villanova students with opportunities to engage in conversations on diversity and inclusion, enhancing understanding and empathy across various perspectives.

While these resources are available and Villanova continues to make strides in creating a more diverse and inclusive environment, it is important to speak to current students with similar backgrounds to gauge their experiences. Note that students' experiences may vary, so engaging with the community and attending on-campus events (if possible) can help provide a better idea of whether Villanova is the right fit for you.

9 days ago

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