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Best accounting schools in NYC?

Hey everyone, I'm planning to pursue a degree in accounting and I really want to go to college in New York City. Can you guys recommend some of the best accounting schools in the city? Is there a ranking or list I should be aware of? Thanks!

6 days ago

Hi! NYC offers a variety of schools that excel in accounting programs. Here are some of the top schools for accounting in the city:

1. New York University (NYU) - NYU's Stern School of Business is highly regarded for its accounting program, consistently ranking among the top business schools in the nation. It offers both an undergraduate degree in Accounting and a Master of Science in Accounting.

2. Baruch College - Known for having a strong business program, Baruch College is part of the City University of New York (CUNY) system. It offers an undergraduate as well as a Master's in Accounting at its Zicklin School of Business.

3. Columbia University - While Columbia does not have an undergraduate accounting major, its business school offers a Master of Science in Accounting and Fundamental Analysis program, which provides a pathway into the accounting field for those who have completed their undergraduate studies.

4. Fordham University - Fordham's Gabelli School of Business offers an undergraduate accounting program with options to complete a 150-hour program to prepare for the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exam.

5. Pace University - Pace offers a Bachelor's of Business Administration in Public Accounting, as well as a combined BBA/MBA program in Public Accounting, which enables students to fulfill the 150-hour requirement to sit for the CPA exam.

These are just a few notable options, but there might be other colleges in the city with great accounting programs as well. It's essential to do thorough research, visit campuses (if possible), and consider factors such as class size, available resources, and alumni network while making your decision. Good luck with your college search!

6 days ago

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