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Where does Caltech's CS program rank?

What's up everyone! I'm a junior interested in computer science and I've heard great things about Caltech. Can anyone tell me how Caltech's CS program is ranked nationally, and what makes it stand out from other programs?

28 days ago

Caltech's computer science (CS) program is highly respected and consistently ranks among the top programs in the nation. While it's important not to place too much weight solely on rankings, many well-known sources generally place Caltech's CS program within the top 10-20 in the United States. Individual rankings can vary from year to year, with fluctuations in criteria such as research output, faculty expertise, and reputation.

What makes Caltech's CS program stand out from other programs is its intimacy and highly research-oriented approach. The school itself is relatively small compared to other top CS programs, which allows for a close-knit community, personalized attention from faculty, and small class sizes. Furthermore, Caltech's faculty includes numerous experts in various CS subfields, which is extremely valuable for students looking to conduct research and collaborate with renowned faculty members.

In addition to its academic merits, Caltech’s location in Pasadena, California, puts it in close proximity to top tech hubs such as Silicon Valley and the Los Angeles tech scene, providing students with numerous internship, job, and networking opportunities within the industry.

It's important to consider that the best program for you may be influenced by factors other than rankings, such as your personal fit with the curriculum, campus culture, and extracurricular opportunities. As you continue your search, keep in mind your individual preferences and goals in order to find the best school for you.

28 days ago

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