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City Tech Rankings?

Hey there! I'm looking into attending City Tech (New York City College of Technology) and I was wondering if there are any rankings available for their programs, specifically for majors like computer science or engineering. Any help would be appreciated!

8 days ago

Hi! While specific rankings can vary depending on the methodology used by different organizations, I can provide you with some general information that may be helpful. New York City College of Technology, more commonly referred to as City Tech, is a public institution that is a part of the City University of New York (CUNY) system. City Tech is known for its emphasis on applied, technical education in a variety of fields, which includes computer science and engineering.

While City Tech may not rank as highly as other institutions in overall national rankings, its programs in engineering and technology are well-regarded, benefiting from its location in the heart of New York City. This offers students access to a vast array of resources, internships, and job opportunities in the tech and engineering industries.

City Tech offers an ABET-accredited Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering, which is a significant recognition of quality for engineering programs. In addition, City Tech has many industry connections that can help students network and find opportunities after graduation. It is essential to remember that rankings do not always convey the full picture of a college's strengths and should not be the only factor in choosing a college.

I would recommend researching the specific programs you're interested in by visiting their department websites and considering factors such as curriculum, faculty, resources, and alumni success. Additionally, attending open house events (either in-person or virtual) and talking to current students or alumni can provide valuable insights that go beyond rankings. This context will give you a better understanding of what City Tech has to offer and whether it's the right fit for you. Good luck!

8 days ago

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