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Ferris State University Environment

Hello! I'm thinking about applying to Ferris State University, but I'd love to know more about the campus location and surrounding area. What's the atmosphere like, and are there exciting things to do off-campus?

12 days ago

Ferris State University is located in Big Rapids, Michigan, a small town with a population of around 8,000 people. The community is welcoming, and the campus itself is situated on 880 acres of land, offering a mix of modern and historic buildings. The university's size allows for a close-knit and friendly atmosphere, with students often citing the sense of community as a plus.

As for the surrounding area, Big Rapids offers a mix of small-town charm and natural beauty. There are several parks in close proximity to the campus, such as Hemlock Park and Northend Riverside Park, where you can take part in outdoor activities like hiking, fishing, and picnicking. Downtown Big Rapids, just a short walk from campus, has a variety of restaurants, shops, and entertainment options. It's not uncommon for students to visit local cafes, catch a movie at the historic movie theater, or attend community events and festivals throughout the year.

For those seeking more adventure, Manistee National Forest, located about an hour's drive away, provides opportunities for camping, hiking, and exploring vast wilderness areas. Additionally, the nearby Muskegon River is popular for tubing and canoeing during the warmer months.

While Ferris State University and Big Rapids might not offer the buzzing energy of a larger city, they provide a relaxed and supportive environment that fosters strong connections among students and between the university and the local community. The surrounding area offers numerous outdoor activities and opportunities to explore Michigan's natural beauty, making it an appealing option for students who appreciate a more laid-back atmosphere.

12 days ago

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